Monday, January 3, 2011


guess what?!

I get braces,....AGAIN!

...and im not even sad! EXCITED!

yep, I loved my braces when i was a teen so im excited for these new ones i get on WEDNESDAY.

why do i have to get braces again?

Back in the summer i got a crown placed and now my bottom retainers dont fit cause one tooth shifted.

Treatment plan: Lower braces for 8 weeks. And a permanent retainer placed cause i wasn't a good girl with my regular retainers.

I Love braces.
I am weird.



  1. We like braces too, even though we've never had them. Wanna make out?

  2. haha you're a little weird, but thats why I love you! Congrats?

  3. i LOVED braces too. i'm hoping to get them after i get a job. yay brace faces! guess what? by the time you get your braces off i will have one board down and 3 more to go! yay school!
