Friday, July 15, 2011

cholycystectomy- July 12th, 2011

That's me in the pre-op stage. I had already been prepped with my IV and monitors. I felt pretty calm knowing that i was going to be in good hands for surgery. I met my entire OR team and they were hilarious and so knowledgeable on the procedure. I asked about a million questions and they answered every one with a smile.

Around 1:15 my RN anesthetist put some morphine in my IV as well as a sedative that would start my anesthesia. At that point they asked me to say "see ya later" to my parents and i remember doing so.

HOWEVER, my surgeon said that after i said bye to my dad, they began pushing my bed toward the OR room and that i flung my arms in the air and said "WEEEEE!! WEEEE!" ....awesome, i WOULD do something like that. hahaa!! (i definitely dont remember it though, so i wonder what else i did)

I remember opening my eyes a little bit when voices were asking me to push myself unto the surgical bed. I remember barely opening my eyes and seeing the lights above me.

about an hour later, I remember hearing the sound of oxygen and feeling the face mask on me. I remember hearing "Darlene, ohh darling darlene we are all done now, can you open your eyes for me?"...I slowly opened my eyes to my cutie nurses who were hovering over me. I remember saying I was cold so my nurse ran and got me warm blankees. The oxygen was left on for a little bit as i fell in and out of "sleep". It wasn't until 3:30 that my parents were able to be back in the room.

I dont remember a whole lot cause i was in and out of consciousness, but i do remember feeling so comforted by the spirit and not scared at all.

after surgery.

I have some sweet pictures of my gallbladder but im too weak to get up to scan it. i've been in a lot of pain but the pain killers help a lot. I can walk a little faster today which is awesome and i can actually FINALLY lay on my side without feeling agonizing pain. I still can't laugh but i can at least talk. I lost my voice due to being intubated.

I have the most amazing testimony of friends. I have been blessed with amazing sisters who have brought me flowers, and goodies and have come over to spend some time with me. They've called me or text me but they keep checking up on me. Granted i dont remember a whole lot, i do remember feeing their love and care. It's a sweet feeling to know i have amazing, true friends who are willing to drop whatever they have to spend a few minutes with me. They're amazing and im so grateful for them.

Im still recovering, slowly but surely. Chances are i wont remember posting this so, stay tuned for a later posting with sweet pics of my gallbladder :)