December 24th, 2010, 1230AM.
I came home early Thursday night thinking I was tired, but really it was more of an urge to go home. I walk into my parents room and kiss my dad on the forehead as he laid sleeping to let him know i was home. He had been having a dry cough for a couple of days with a low grade fever, so i asked how he felt. "bien" (good) is all i got in return.
I went to my bedroom and did my usual bed time routine. My mom and niece who had been watching a movie when i got home, got into bed at this time.
Around 1230am, i heard my dogs going CRAZY barking. They only bark this way whenever a stranger is in the house and I dismissed their barks thinking they'd seen a cat go by the window. But they persisted and I whiningly got out of bed to shut them up.
"Oh dear Lord what do I do!!"....came the chilling cries from my mom as i opened my bedroom door. Without taking a second to see what was happening, i instinctively ran for the telephone and through the master bathroom looking for my parents.
In the kitchen, i saw my Dad running toward the sink with his arms in the air as my mom ran behind him patting his back in a frantic motion. I faced my Dad to see his face completely blue, ears going white and a desperate attempt to breathe. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS HAPPENING. He was sleeping just a few minutes ago.
Immediately i dialed those dreaded three numbers. Help was on the way.
I ran to my dad and on my way to him, i saw my 9 year old niece standing by watching him with her hand over her mouth. MY HEART SHATTERED INTO PIECES. no child should have to see this. I shouldn't have to see this. NO ONE deserves to see their loved one in this state of emergency. I ran to my baby and held her tight and whispered words of comfort and we said a quick prayer.
As i reached my dad he began to cough, THATS A GOOD SIGN. The lady on the other end of the phone asked me if he was conscious, and he was. So we had to keep him coughing to get some sort of O2 going through him because if he stopped coughing and the o2 was cut out again, oxygenation to the brain know, the "D" word.
All i remember was running to my dad and in desperation fanned him and grabbed his hands and yelled into the Heavens,... DO NOT DO THIS TO ME, DAD. DO NOT LEAVE ME! LOOK AT ME, COUGH!!! ..... i was numb. completely numb.
I ran outside to see the flashing Red & Blue lights bolting down my street. I let out a breath of relief as I walked the men towards my dad. They stabilized his airway, took vitals and gave him oxygen. As i held my mom the paramedics instructed us my papa needed to go to the ER. without thinking it twice, we took my dad to the Emergency room.
We didn't leave the hospital until 0800. Diagnosis, upper airway obstruction. My dad's viral infection (cough) got so bad that his tonsil swelled to the point of closure. The nurses started him on an IV and gave him steroids to open up the airway.
His ER doctor wanted to hospitalize him to keep his heart monitored, but EKG's and lab enzymes were clear, so my daddy signed himself out AMA. (Against Medical Advice).
DECEMBER 24th, 2010 was the scariest night of my life.
I dont remember anything. This is all little spots of memory i have here and then. My mommy told me she saw me differently as i ran down the halls of our home for the paramedics, how i was calm and quick to act, yet my eyes told a whole different story. I WAS SCARED. genuinely scared.
My Heavenly Father blessed me with strength in those moments of panic cause i never imagined myself to be "calm". I broke down after dropping my dad and mom off at the ER door and i went to park my car. I called Tori with out reason, just to tell her to pray and I have never felt such pain and worry in my heart. I scared her cause she's never heard me in hysterics before. I was strong for my daddy. ANd he was strong for me.
I am grateful for the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father. For the strength he gave me and my mommy. I didnt leave my dad's hospital bed side for a second. I was his best nurse he said :)
I broke down on the car ride home, holding my dads hand and expressing myself.
ABOVE ALL, I BROKE DOWN TALKING TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER. He helped me and blessed my family that terrible Christmas Eve moment. But all the events, made our Christmas that much sweeter for our family was more united than ever and the outpouring of love and gratitude was felt.
IM SORRY. this post makes no sense maybe cause my thoughts are all over the place. I can't write things in order cause like i mentioned, i dont remember. But i know that every moment i see my dad, I remember my test of faith cause not for a second, did i forget to thank my Lord.