FINALLY!! My very first clinical rotation as a student nurse! I was so excited and very nervous because I didn't know what to expect. Monday the 15th was my very first day and i was up at 4:30am. My clinic is in Chandler and i FINALLY started taking the freeway.
Monday: After a prayer on the road to the facility, i felt very confident & not nervous for the day ahead of me. I have previous experience from CNA clinicals with geriatric patients, so it was really nice to be in a familiar health care setting. While touring the facility, me and my group of classmates came across a hall way full of patients in geri-chairs and it hit me....i had forgotten how hard it was on my heart strings working in geriatrics. Im not naive in medicine, I understand what i will be working with and am well aware of the "world" i will be seeing. But im a new RN student, of course i haven't grown thick skin yet and it's just hard to see this "world". I love people easily and so much, i just wanted to give my love to every one of them. It's so hard to explain the feeling I got and all i wanted to do for them...i guess you wouldn't understand unless you've had experience. My friend hadn't seen this "world" either for she is used to the hospital traumas, and she also got teary eyed. It's not easy to see. After my initial shock, I prayed for some strength and went on with my tasks. As the day continued, it got easier to adjust to this "world" and I was absolutely thankful i was able to be there and make them smile. It's a blessing to know that I am doing my best to make their day better, less painful and I can be a breath of fresh air for them. I fell in love with so many of the patients. They are so special and beautiful and have so many AMAZING stories to share!! What beautiful souls and wonderful beings they all are. I learned SO much from them. Giving nursing care was fairly easy since i was in familiar grounds, but it was difficult when they are sick and i wished i could do so much more to make them better. I wished i had a magic button that said "IMMEDIATE HEALING" so that i could heal all of them STAT. But no such perfect button exists...so that's where I, the nurse, comes in to intervene whatever disease they are going through and help with their progression. Day one rocked!!
Tuesday: Today was another fairly simple day. My friend, cadie, and i chose a patient to do our assessment and paper work on. Of course, i cannot give details or information on our patient, but i can definitely say that our patient is a stud!! Absolute joy and again....with my patient, i wished i had that magic button to heal him, but all i can do is my best to promote comfort and hopefully improve his condition. He has the most contagious smile and beautiful eyes. It melted my heart when he saw me and cadie this morning and he smiled big knowing "his girls" were there to be his Nurse. I am already attached! I get home and think of how i can help make him feel better and improve his condition. His smile stays with me and I look forward to seeing how he improves next week. All the patients at the facility are wonderful. I feel myself smiling all day long and laughing along with them. They are silly and definitely know how to make me smile. I've been called "sweet thing" by one of them and she gave me a "sweet thing" low-sugar packet as a present. LOVE IT! i saved it for sure.
My first 2 days of student nursing were phenomenal. I am reminded of how beautiful life is and how everyone has such a unique, wonderful life experience. Sure, Geriatrics is NOT easy and I can get be sad at times...but i learn so much from them and when I see them smile, laugh or joke...it literally makes my heart smile. what a blessing to get more experience in geriatrics and be able to be a part of their get-well-team. Moments are hard for sure, but I know things will continue and with each clinical rotation, i will continue to grow and grow to be the best RN that i can be :)