Someday, after working really hard to make good money, i want to do LOTS of things...thing that i will state in my...Before I'm 30 BUCKET LIST!! 1. Visit and enter many Temples around the world! Starting with the one in Lima, Peru! (when i was there this past summer, it was closed for renovations, my desires to do baptisms were completely shattered and i may have shed a tear)

2. Rio De Janeiro- CARNIVAL!! Brazil has always been on my list mostly for their epic party of all time- carnival! They have bomb dot com food, too...and i'm lucky that a lady in my family ward is from there cause i've gotten to chow down on churrasco often. MmMM! Eu quero ir ao Brasil!

3. Machu Picchu. ENOUGH SAID. it is GORGEOUS and one of the seven wonders of the world. It also happens to be located in my beautiful country of Peru. I know i know, can i be Peruvian and never been to machu picchu? well, good question, i dont know. but im going someday!

4. Vamos a EspaƱa! i gotta have some love for good o' Spain. After all, my language and majority of foods come from Spain so HOLLER! quieres ir a barcelona?
5. NYC. i'm not a theater person, barely even like plays. Im more into musicals. Therefore, why not see on on BROADWAY? oh what's up NEW YORK CITY!!

6. Go to Hawaii/Tonga!! I've always been in love with the Polynesian culture, so why the heck have i not traveled there? Malo e' lelei, can a girl meet a foi lole to uma? ofa lahi atu :)
7. A reason behind my choice of career, was the example set by my uncle. He along with his surgical team from Stanford went to Peru and did free surgeries. I WILL BE A PART OF THAT TEAM SOMEDAY! My heart skips a beat just thinking about it,what a great way to serve! i wanna i wanna i wanna!
8. Sometime before i'm 30, id like to try to eat a pickle. I LOATHE PICKLES. never had one, but goodness the smell is enough to make me gag.

9. A CRUISE. 'nuff said. THERES A BOAT, JACK!!!!!
10. I would like to have my own garden.
11. Go on a hot air balloon. Ohhhh how i would love that!! especially with a boy.
12. Go to an opera. Have you heard me opera? i rock.
13. learn another language. I can understand Portuguese dang well, but i'd like to learn to be fluent in another language. Perhaps vietnamese since it's the 3rd most used language in a Hospital. cool fact, huh?
14. Fly a helicopter! you know how really awesome guys take girls on really awesome dates and they go flying? (dont know howwww but i've seen it!). welp, i wanna!! and i wanna fly it.
15. Learn to sew. I got the cooking and cleaning down, but goodness i should learn to sew considering someday ill have little ankle biters with missing buttons and will need to fix that. But i have plenty of time for that.
that's all i can think of for now.What's on your bucket list?