Sunday, September 27, 2009
camping with friends!! It was SO much fun!! The only thing keeping it from being perrrfect was that Michelle couldn't go...busy busy girl!! The ride there was simple & setting up the tent was cake-thanks to Barry, Cole & Daniel using their boy scout skills to help us! haha! It was SO cold-im super duper smart i had only taken a blanket!! I was warm going to sleep but woke up in the middle of the night frozen. Breakfast was delish!! french toast=my love!! We all had a great time and I am so glad i was able to go on this trip with amazing friends :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Nursing School Stress!
So this block I am retaking Microbiology for a higher grade in order to rock at pharmacology/patho. I am determined to get an A which at my school is between a 94%-100%. I UNDERSTAND microbiology, i could probably have a long conversation about all the microbes that cause disease in our every day surroundings and those that cause nosocomial infections. What stresses me out are the quizzes/Tests! i SUCK at studying! My micro is Medically Implied...therefore, I am supposed to be able to see a wound and tell you what bacteria caused it and all about that specific pathogen such as its scientific name, where you can find that pathogen, the incubation period, antibiotics,etc! INTENSE, right? I LOVE medicine and i would never give up my career...i just wished my school wasn't so demanding. I knew it'd be an advanced, accelerated program considering it's a private school but dude, give a girl a break! i can't wait to start my clinicals...but as for now, i gotta worry about knowing what kind of IV to give my patient whether it be hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic in order to watch the cell count...uhh....anyone care to explain to me how that works? haha i love school :)
I love my job! I truly am so blessed to do what i do because it's making a huge difference in the development of a child. Due to HIPAA, I'm not at liberty to blab out details. But, I am an autism interventionist with children specifically doing habilitation for cognitive development ,gross motor skills,social,self-help, etc. Something AMAZING that recently developed from my job is the opportunity to share the Gospel! The mother really is appreciative of me and therefore shares a lot of things with me-including her decision to investigate churches due to her feeling hers was not working for her. WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for me to share about my love for the church. After a long chat, she asked me to take her kids to activities and in result of them LOVING the activities, she herself decided she wanted to attend Sacrament meeting to see what we were all about. She really liked what i told her, now she just needs to pray and read from the Book of Mormon to gain a testimony herself. I can't wait for Sunday so i can invite her to church. What a blessing!! Im leaving out a lot of details of the conversation-just know, she felt the spirit and i am so thankful and amazed at the way the words came out of my mouth when sharing the Gospel.
FINALLY it is time for Christian Dance Company! Last year was my first year in the company and this year i was blessed with the opportunity to be in the company once again. I LOVE CDC!! You can bare your testimony in many ways, a common one is my singing hymns in church or verbally baring it. But being able to use our talents to dance through our testimony of our Savior is beautiful!! i am SO grateful to have the chance to dance through my love and testimony and I cannot wait for this years concert!! I am in the Opening & Closing dance, as well as "Garden Walls" and "Oh Holy Night". My favorite part of the program is baring our testimony verbally before show time and feeling the spirit SO STRONGLY and so pure and divine. Words cannot describe what i felt that night...I bawled uncontrolled tears of happiness&love because the spirit was so strong that i have NO DOUBT in my heart that my Redeemer lives. I am thrilled for this years company!
Besides CDC, i am taking hip hop again which is a good work out. I'm not as pumped for hip hop as i am CDC, but i hope hip hop gets better (aka tougher!). I also just started taking Zumba kicks my butt!! Some of the latin moves are ridiculous...can you REALLY move your hips like that? haha i mean sure im latina and am supposed to have this naturally but d00d, zumba is intense!! great workout though!!
Life! great!! I love life and all its blessings...and i have no doubt that it's because i have the Gospel in my life. Where would i be without the Gospel?...I dont even wanna thinkkkk about it! Sure, life has its ups and downs...specially at my age. Everyone is getting married, dating a lot & getting engaged. I can become frustrated with guys at times when they're being "dumb boys" (but i have no room to talk cuz girls can defintiely be "dumb" too). I dont date a lot,'s hard to find guys that will actually ask out on DATES! now a days it's "let's hang out sometime"...nothing specific and usually involved more people. So in the end, you had no idea that someone liked you..blah blah blah. I could go on about it...but i dont get frustrated anymore. i KNOW my Heavenly Father has a plan for me and when MY TIME IS RIGHT, that my "dating" problems will be resolved and i will meet someone right for ME & of course, to MY standards. Everything happens for a reason. Bad dating experiences, frustrations, break ups, arguments, etc...we are meant to learn and grow from them. So, i am patient & while i'm being patient and meeting new people...i am truly enjoying life!! Go with the flow, right? If it is meant to happen, it will. If not, i hope to make a good friend out of things :)
I have been tremendously blessed with 4 amazing girls in my life whom are my bestests (<--made up word, get over it). Marinda Hunt, Victoria Kate Wadsworth, Michelle Lee Stones & Heather Andrew. Amazing, intelligent, talented, worthy young women who are great examples to me & continue to amaze me every day! Each one of them are special in their own way & I seriously give thanks for them everyday! They are sincere and always Heavenly father really loves me...i have the greatest family i could ask for, the opportunity to continue my education, work...& great GREAT friends. Life is BEAUTIFUL.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
can't touch this!
It is Sunday. The girls and I chill at Michelle's house and watch "sydney White" which by the way is an AWESOME movie!! it ended around 12:20AM and Heather was tired & went home. Tori, Michelle & I were not hungry hungry....butttt we wanted a midnight food run. Where do we go?...IHOP!! the thought of bacon, hash browns and french toast were alluring!
We were SO tired but so anxious for our yummy food. When exploring the menu, everything became what do we do? we order a crap load of food!!! I usually get just an egg, hash browns & 2 strips of bacon, but nooot this time. i got scrambled eggs,hash browns, 2 bacons, 2 sausage, 2 hams & French toast!! Tori did too and michelle did too mius the sausage & Ham. When the food arrived, WE INHALED THE FOOD! We sounded like we had never eaten before...forks bouncing off plates and heavy breathing as we swallowed our food without chewing. HAHAHA it was HILARIOUS! we are not the cleanest eaters either...when finished, we had crums all over the table, including syrup that got all over my arm. we felt gross after eating...but oh wait, we still had room for more food. we ended our feast around 3AM!!!...can u imagine eating all that crap that late? talk about asking for an early heart attack!
None the less, was a great memory to build! The girls & I woke up with our stomachs full still yet we STILL had breakfast upon waking up. IT ROCKED!! i love my girls SO SO MUCH! i dont know what i'd do with out them...maybe i wouldn't be eating ihop at 3am :)

We were SO tired but so anxious for our yummy food. When exploring the menu, everything became what do we do? we order a crap load of food!!! I usually get just an egg, hash browns & 2 strips of bacon, but nooot this time. i got scrambled eggs,hash browns, 2 bacons, 2 sausage, 2 hams & French toast!! Tori did too and michelle did too mius the sausage & Ham. When the food arrived, WE INHALED THE FOOD! We sounded like we had never eaten before...forks bouncing off plates and heavy breathing as we swallowed our food without chewing. HAHAHA it was HILARIOUS! we are not the cleanest eaters either...when finished, we had crums all over the table, including syrup that got all over my arm. we felt gross after eating...but oh wait, we still had room for more food. we ended our feast around 3AM!!!...can u imagine eating all that crap that late? talk about asking for an early heart attack!
None the less, was a great memory to build! The girls & I woke up with our stomachs full still yet we STILL had breakfast upon waking up. IT ROCKED!! i love my girls SO SO MUCH! i dont know what i'd do with out them...maybe i wouldn't be eating ihop at 3am :)
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