happy birthday to meeeee (Dec. 17th) I am now 20!!! woot woot!! I remember when i was little always thinking "wow, i wonder where i'll be in life when i'm 20 years old!!"...and thankfully, i am right where i always wanted to be. My birthday was incredible. I am so grateful for the huge outpouring of love i felt by my family and friends. From the time midnight hit on the 17th till 11:59 PM, my day was filled with "happy birthdays!" and hugs. I love hugs!! When i woke up on my birthday, i knew exactly how i'd start my day....Temple!! I did baptisms that morning and wow, i couldn't have asked for a better way to start my birthday. Around 12:30 the girls came over and we went to birthday lunch. it was so fun- i love my girls! Marinda had work but she came over after and played with me at my house. She's phenomenal. I had work that afternoon and dance that night. After dance, the girls and i went to a christmas sweater party & then to see AVATAR at midnight. I didnt care for Avatar at all, but lemme tell ya, the movie is AMAZING!! i plan on seeing it again. It was so good!! My day was just busy and filled with goodness so i loved my 20th birthday! And im grateful for all of my friends that helped make it such a special day.
Christian Dance Company.
We had our performance on the 19th at Mesa High school. What i love the most about CDC is the baring of our testimonies before show time. All of the dancers, in white dresses, gather on stage and we do a devotional. This year, i had a devotional on the Atonement...i could not get through my devotional without crying. The spirit was felt so strong and it's just an experience that is so difficult to explain. After devotionals, we had open time to bare our testimonies and it was beautiful. So spiritual and so many of us were crying. [oh yes, i had mascara running down my face]. I was really grateful for the testimonies from girls who aren't of my same faith. It was amazing for me to see how they expressed their love for our Savior and it was such an example to me. Show time came and the house was full. There were some technical difficulties but, it happens. Earlier that day during dress rehearsal, i FINALLY went full out on my toe falls and welp, i messed my lower back up. I have no idea what i did. But i continued to dance. After the actual show, my back was hurting so so bad. The pain worsened but, ill be okay. Running on stage for "How Great Thou Art" was a strong moment for me...it is a dance of celebration and happiness but when i tried to smile, i started crying. It was such an unexpected emotion. But a beautiful one. Gosh i sound monotonous but really, words cannot express what one feels. After the show, so many people came up to me and thanked me for the [free] show we put on for the community each year. It was so nice hearing from perfect strangers how they were uplifted and felt the spirit. My favorite was when they told me they couldn't help but smile and cry tears of love. IT MADE MY NIGHT. that's exactly what we wanted. We dance through our testimony and love for our Savior and hope that people will feel the spirit. I LOVED IT.
Monday the 21st, we performed one last time at the Temple. due to the smaller stage and time, we only did a selection from the show. It was INCREDIBLE dancing for my Savior while facing the Temple. The most beautiful feeling. For a second i couldn't believe i was about to go on a stage and dance through my testimony, while having the most perfect view in the world. It was a wonderful experience. I cannot believe CDC is over! I waited all year for audition time and now it's over. All the hard work, months of daily practice and dedication. I LOVE CHRISTIAN DANCE COMPANY SO MUCH!!
I hope that all MHS dancers partake in the program, as well as alumni!
now about my back...well you see, i shouldn't have danced at the Temple cause i was still in pain with my back. I stretched as much as i could and hoped for the best. dancing with a hurting back is painful...after my toe fall, i got back up to continue on with the dance and my entire left leg went NUMB. ya, i dont know if that's normal?...I continued to dance through it though...i was NOT going to stop then. This all happend about 6 hours ago and my back...well, yes, it is still in pain. ouch ouch ouch!! i'm thinking i gotta call a chiropractor. yuck. But it's okay, hurting my back was WELL WORTH IT. I wouldn't have changed a single thing about this.
my birthday and cdc are the most significant things that went on in my life recently. i am so grateful for this experience and i hope that maybe i wont be too busy next year so i can do it all over again :)